Policy for Human Rights
Policy for Human Rights
Human rights are the foundation of social life and no enterprise could engage in business activities without respecting them. S.T. Corporation and its group companies (hereinafter referred to as “our corporate group”) shall forge ahead with initiatives for respecting human rights while making the daily life of people comfortable and affluent based on our unique air-care core technologies. Our corporate group sufficiently recognizes the importance of human rights and respects the human rights of all people related to our business, such as our corporate group, business partners, and all other stakeholders.
- Compliance with laws and regulations and respect for international norms concerning human rights
- Application range and system
This policy shall apply to our corporate group. Furthermore, our corporate group expects our business partners and all other stakeholders related to our business to respect human rights based on this policy and shall encourage them to do so. Moreover, in order to realize this, we shall develop an in-house system where the President & CEO has the ultimate responsibility for matters related to human rights, and continue to implement relevant initiatives.
- Related laws, regulations, and international norms of conduct
Our corporate group shall respect human rights defined in the following international norms, etc., based on the “United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.”
- “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”
- “International Bill of Human Rights” (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights)
- International Labour Organization (ILO): “ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work”
Moreover, we shall thoroughly comply with relevant laws and regulations in each country. In countries and regions where laws and regulations differ from international norms, we shall aim for initiatives prioritizing international norms to the greatest possible extent.
- Application range and system
- Performing due diligence for human rights
- Response to the risks related to human rights
Our corporate group shall assess and identify potential and actual risks related to human rights concerning our business activities, cooperate with stakeholders for building a system for preventing or lessening the risks, and continue to make use of the mechanism.
- Rectification
In case it becomes clear that our corporate group brought about or was involved in causing negative impact on human rights, we shall cooperate with relevant stakeholders and engage in solving this issue. Furthermore, we shall establish and maintain a procedure for dealing with complaints.
- Education and enhancement of awareness
We shall regularly educate all people working in our corporate group and raise their awareness concerning the respect for human rights so that they can understand and implement this policy. Furthermore, we shall engage in initiatives necessary for promoting the understanding and implementation of our policy concerning human rights among our business partners and all other stakeholders related to our business.
- Response to the risks related to human rights
- Communication and engagement
Our corporate group shall proactively and continuously lead dialogue and cooperate with stakeholders and deepen initiatives for the respect for human rights in order to solve human right issues identified while performing due diligence in regard to human rights.
- We shall have dialogues with relevant stakeholders regarding measures for addressing risks and impact on human rights.
- We shall appropriately disclose information and make reports regarding this policy and relevant initiatives.
This policy was formulated while taking into account technical advice regarding human rights from outside the company, debated at our company’s Executive Officers meeting and approved at the Board of Directors meeting in order to describe our corporate group’s approach and initiatives concerning human rights.
Takako Suzuki
President & CEO
Formulated on February 7th, 2023
Human rights-related issues on which S. T. Corporation and its group companies (hereinafter referred to as “our corporate group”) focus in business
We proactively pursue the following items identified as priority issues in order to respect the human rights of all people related to our corporate group. Moreover, the priority issues mentioned in this appendix shall be regularly revised based on requests from the society including laws and regulations, evolution of technology, changes in our business, etc.
- Prohibition of discrimination and harassment
- Prohibition of discrimination due to sex, age, nationality, ethnicity, race, place of origin, religion, faith, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc.
- Prohibition of all kinds of harassment
- Respect for rights of workers
- Ensuring of work safety and health
- Prohibition of child labor and forced labor
- Respect for the rights of foreign and immigrant workers
- Respect for freedom of association and the right for collective bargaining
- Prevention of low-wage labor (labor below the minimum wage or living wage)
- Prevention of long working hours
- To promote staff in the supply chain to respect the human rights of workers
- Respect for rights of vulnerable people
- Respect for the rights of local residents and indigenous people involved in the business
- Respect for the rights of people such as women, children, the disabled, minorities and the elderly
- Avoidance of complicity in conflict and human rights violation related to mineral procurement
- Protection of privacy and personal information
- Respect for the privacy and protection of personal information of customers, staff and all other related people
Our Impact