Our Value Creation

Management Philosophy

Management Philosophy

To fulfill our mission of giving our service to society and earning society's trust, S.T. constantly works to improve its products, and to create unique products that our customers can trust absolutely.
To achieve the company's sustained prosperity, S.T. ensures its workplaces provide an environment where its employees can earnestly work with hope and pride.
Always valuing harmony and courtesy, S.T. strives to be the best company as regards winning the absolute trust of our customers, other concerned people and society at large.


Ideas to touch the heart
for moments with smiles.

We all live and breathe the same air.
At S.T., we are with the air people breathe
at various stages of life.
Amidst busy schedules, one may only feel it in brief moments.
However, we want those moments to be slices of relief,
a time to return to normality and feel refreshed and re-motivated.
A time to smile.
We believe that small, daily smiles can be
the driving force for great happiness.
That’s why we give our customers the utmost care.
What makes people happy?
What innovations would make people feel joy?
How can we make people love our products?
Through ideas unlike any others, we strive to touch hearts,
giving people a part of our day.
Imagine the smiles you’ll have today.

Our Value

Derivation of Company Name

The "ST" of S.T. Corporation derives from a formulation of the first tenet of our management philosophy: our mission of giving our Service to society and earning society's Trust, and of creating Super Top products.

The Baby Chick Logo

Familiar to and enjoyed by many of our customers, our baby chick corporate logo symbolizes S.T. Corporation. The logo reflects our corporate stance of being healthy, refreshing, sincere, modest and always happily facing up to the next challenge.

Corporate Slogan

Refreshing the Air

We want to refresh the air in your home and your life.
We want to refresh the air in your store and your office.
We want to refresh the air all over Japan.
As a first step, we're refreshing the air around us.
With a refreshing approach to research and products.
A refreshing attitude in our marketing and sales.
And refreshingly new concepts in our advertising and publicity.
We're always offering our customers new proposals.
Proposals that help by refreshing the air.