Climate Change

Reduce CO₂ Emissions Activities

Our group has set goals related to climate change and resources recycling as material issues in order to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement and SDGs. Regarding climate change, we will work to reduce CO₂ emissions, promote the purchase of electricity generated from renewable energy, and aim for zero carbon by 2050.

Total CO₂ emissions for the fiscal year under review were 3,055 t-CO₂, an increase from the fiscal year ended March 2022 due to a rise in electricity consumption because of the installation of new production equipment at factories. As part of our efforts to promote decarbonization, we will continue to work on making production equipment and building equipment more energy efficient and switching to renewable energy.
On the manufacturing side, we promoted the procurement of electricity derived from renewable energy at our production sites and offices, and the ratio of electricity derived from renewable energy to the electricity purchased during the fiscal year under review was 41.6%. As for company vehicles such as sales vehicles, we are promoting the use of highly energy-efficient hybrid vehicles. and the ratio of hybrid vehicles is 97.6%.
In terms of transportation and delivery, we are working to improve loading efficiency by revising standards for the size of truck cargo boxes, as well as promoting delivery efficiency through joint delivery with other companies and factory direct delivery. We are propelling a modal shift from truck transportation to railway and ship transportation, which have a lower environmental impact. S.T. corporation acquired “Eco-Ship Mark*1” certification in 2008, and its factory in Kyushu acquired “Eco Rail Mark*2” certification in 2015.

*1 Eco-Ship Mark system: A system promoted by the Maritime Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to select companies that contribute to a modal shift by using marine transportation to a certain extent.

*2 Eco Rail Mark system: A system promoted by the Railway Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to select companies that contribute to a modal shift by using railway freight transportation to a certain extent.

From 2022, we calculate CO₂ emissions based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. We are also revising CO₂ emission reduction targets based on the same standards, and plan to proceed with Scope 3 calculations.

Total CO₂ emissions (Scopes 1 and 2)

*The subject organization is S.T. Group (domestic).

*Total CO₂ emissions mean the sum of Scopes 1 and 2.

*When calculating the purchased electric power with Scope 2 emissions, the emission factor adjusted for each kind of electric power was basically used. For others, the national average emission factor was used.

*The figures are rounded down.

Environmental data(PDF 53KB)

Third-party assurance report(PDF 38KB)

List of calculation standards(PDF 99KB)

Procurement trends in renewable energy power

Response to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

S.T. Group has declared its support for the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and based on the TCFD recommendations, S.T. Group is working to address climate change issues.
In 2022, regarding climate-related impacts (risks and opportunities) on our company, scenario analysis (qualitative evaluation) was conducted for the 1.5-2°C scenario and the 4°C scenario. We will continue to discuss measures to respond to risks and opportunities related to climate-related issues while organizing management systems for governance and risks, and promote information disclosure in accordance with the TCFD recommendations.